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Vue plugin


To install the plugin, you can run the following command with your preferred package manager :

pnpm install @bicou/prosemirror-render-vue


To use the plugin, you first need to import it into your Vue application. You can do this by adding the following lines to your file :

import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./app.vue";
import ProsemirrorPlugin from "@bicou/prosemirror-render-vue";


The plugin adds the ProsemirrorRender component to the Vue application and provide a default map of node and mark types to elements.

ProsemirrorRender component

Use this component to render a ProseMirror JSON document by passing it as the node property :

<script setup>
// retrieved from where you stored the editor content  
const document = {
  type: "doc",
  content: [
    // ...

  <prosemirror-render :node="document" />

The output of the ProsemirrorRender component can be customized globally with plugin options or locally with the provideProsemirrorOptions helper.